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Archive Copies

To apply for a copy from the Archive, the document must be older than 25 years and belonging to the Balearic Islands.

If the notary authorizing the deed already died, retired or moved, should not worry. The original copy of which is requested shall remain under the custody of Notaries with the same safe system. Thus, if the original document has more than 25 years old, shall be under the custody and responsibility of our Archivist Notary of Notaries Archive of the Balearics. If the original document is under 25 years old shall be under the custody and responsibility of another notary.

General Archive of Records


    The General Archive of Records has come to depend directly on the Notaries Society of the Balearic Islands.

    Archivist Notary: Miguel Amengual Villalonga
    Installation: Vía Roma, 4
  • INCA

    Archivist Notary: Sebastián Antich Verdera
    Installation: Bisbe Llompart, 133

    Archivist Notary: Miguel Ángel Panzano Cilla
    Installation: Amargura, 14 2º
  • MAÓ

    Archivist Notary: Enrique Gari Munsuri
    Installation: Casa Cultural, Plaza Conquista

    Archivist Notary: Miguel Ángel Rufas Abenoza
    Installation: Avda. Ignacio Wallis, 21
    Despachos 211 y 212